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TitanPayAI's Journey through the MIT FUSE Startup Accelerator Program

Cambridge, MA - January to February 2023


Zeeshan Shaikh, co-founder of TitanPayAI, had the opportunity to participate in the MIT FUSE Startup Accelerator Program, a six-week intensive entrepreneurship program. The acceptance into this program was a timely and fortunate surprise, offering the perfect environment to advance TitanPayAI during a critical phase in its development.


Zeeshan had previously taken TitanPayAI through the New Enterprises Course at MIT from September to December 2022, under the guidance of Professor Bill Aulet. The same team of Entrepreneurs in Residence (EIRs) who supported the New Enterprises Course was now available to coach Zeeshan and his team in a more hands-on manner. This intensive program provided a unique opportunity for TitanPayAI to be incubated under expert guidance, with a dedicated focus on the startup’s growth and development.


Full-Time Focus on TitanPayAI


For Zeeshan, the ability to focus on TitanPayAI on a full-time basis was an exceptional opportunity. Having worked in the banking industry for around 13 years and then transitioning into the Sloan Fellows program at MIT, Zeeshan was accustomed to a hectic schedule. Balancing the demands of the Sloan Fellows Program with the development of TitanPayAI often meant sleeping an average of just four hours per night. The FUSE Program offered a rare respite from MIT classes during January and early February, allowing Zeeshan to dedicate six full weeks solely to TitanPayAI.


An Entrepreneurial Environment


The FUSE Program also provided Zeeshan with his first experience of spending extended time in an environment surrounded entirely by entrepreneurs. During the six weeks, Zeeshan had access to EIRs who understood the business intricately and provided valuable advice. This guidance enabled Zeeshan and his team to work around the clock, making significant progress in refining their strategy, focusing on the core problems, and understanding the ecosystem required to solve them.


A Global Network of Entrepreneurs


Zeeshan was inspired by the diversity of participants in the FUSE Program. The program attracted students from universities as far away as Australia, all of whom were on their entrepreneurial journeys. These students brought with them unique perspectives, struggles, and reasons for taking on the challenge of entrepreneurship. Zeeshan formed lasting friendships with some of these fellow entrepreneurs, learning from their experiences and supporting each other through the program.


The FUSE Program also provided ample networking opportunities, both within the cohort and with the program faculty. Participants came from various backgrounds, focusing on startups in industries ranging from education to advertising, apparel, and sports. This diverse environment enriched the learning experience and provided valuable insights into different approaches to entrepreneurship.


Lasting Lessons


Zeeshan reflects on the MIT FUSE Program as one of the most significant experiences in his entrepreneurial journey. The lessons learned during this accelerator program are invaluable and will remain with Zeeshan as he continues to build TitanPayAI. The experience at FUSE not only provided practical knowledge and strategic insights but also reinforced the importance of dedication, focus, and the power of a supportive entrepreneurial community.


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